Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Alfred Nobel, Swedish scientist and inventor of dynamite "Death maker"


Alfred Nobel, Swedish scientist and inventor of dynamite, or as some have called "Maker of death", he invented dynamite and who do not know if he invented that have reported human or more of the tragedy, and after that has behind it a fortune and as a kind of penance, he decided Nobel to invest This wealth after his death and donated in the form of prizes awarded to the value of creative and talented in a number of areas and within these areas of peace!!, and thus out of the quiver death Nobel Prize largest in history.

This is known as the award on behalf of the owner of the credit in its presence a "Nobel Prize", which have allocated a huge formal annual ceremony in which the King of Sweden will award recipients in its various branches, and provided for by the will of Nobel. Growing born Nobel Prize in October 21, 1833 in the Swedish capital Stockholm, and his father is Emmanuel Nobel, who was working as a civil engineer in the construction of roads and bridges, as was his hobby for which we can launch the word "hobby destructive" it has been an inventor of explosives and mines
. Given the circumstances of bad experienced by the family of the Nobel has decided the father to travel to Finland in the hope of getting to the source of better income and Finland set out for Petersburg, and in this city, has created one of the mechanical workshops with the expansion of its work and held for many of the deals with the Russian army, where he worked on the invention of mine Marine and used by the Russian army in the war, recovered his financial situation has become in his ability to call his family to live with him in the new location. Because of the efforts made by Emanuel of the Russian Army has been granted and the Order of the Golden Emperor Czar of Russia.

Educated and trends after the improvement of the level of the family and had been a degree of luxury living it enables the father to ensure the level of sophisticated education to children, and to distinguish Alfred emerged genius among his brothers turned to the education eagerly studied physics, chemistry, languages and other sciences, and it reached the age of seventeen until he was well done for a number languages such as Russian, French, English, German, were tendencies Alfred I. moving toward literature and poetry, but the father refused to be the future of his son so much peace and quiet was not an inventor of explosives and mines, has sent the uniqueness of the completion of his studies in chemistry transported between a number of countries such as Sweden, Germany, France and America.

Like father like son began the attention of Alfred Nobel, is in his scientific in Paris, heading gradually towards chemistry and explosives, and became applicable to tendencies of his father in this area so he join the laboratory of Professor Bellows, as he rubbed Baliitali "Osanue Super Leroy", which was to reach the preparation of nitroglycerine, which known as a high explosive, also met with the Swedish American inventor "Joma Ericsson" And she had a relationship that developed between the unique and other inventors in the field of explosions and explosives, as well as to encourage his father's grave impact on the direction of the unique to this area.
And the form of Alfred and his father, then a working group for the production of explosives and conduct experiments to different, so the two go back to Stockholm again and established a factory for the manufacture of high explosive nitroglycerine puppeteers to produce large quantities of them. Tragedy in the life of the Nobel comes the wind always have swung, where it exploded the plant, which he worked and his father to create alarmingly in 1864, but this is not all, have caused this explosion killed the younger brother of Alfred, leaving a deep impact on the psyche and the work of hard to try to tame this damaging substances and make them volunteered in the service of man and not vice versa.

Dynamit Nobel peace or destruction, and inventions that are significant and do not know if it was human or actually increased the tragedy, the invention of dynamite, which had Alfred invented in 1866 and got his patent. This invention, which met with popular and widely accepted by many companies and bodies Vthavtaat by construction companies and miners, in addition to those the military has been established dozens of factories in many countries for the production of dynamite, and doubled the wealth Nobel many times and accumulated funds as a result of his invention until he became one of the richest men in the world.

But was Alfred Nobel believed in the truth of the matter and inside deep down that the dynamite will be used for things peaceful, do not think so because many of the countries in the world do not find a new weapon only seek behind for use in the imposition of power and control over others and their wishes are ownership and the imposition of influence the sight of this weapon has the explosive power of that era!! Nobel could not draw a rosy picture for this dynamite innocent by the inventor and which has already caused human catastrophes in many wars were used extensively in it.

Spoke of the Nobel for their importance in enabling the rights to extract wealth from the mines and subsoil and their ability to harness nature for a person he can count to build roads, dig tunnels out and other things are peaceful and that enables the human to get many of the wealth that are not within range of his hands, but who could not him Nobel is to prevent military forces also used in the bombing of other things come in the forefront of man himself, who did not realize the Nobel when he invented this destruction or dynamite as he called the human soul is not so much of the angelic and she rushes towards peace only without the war, Fajtrall this was available for all are equal, whether they want peace or war. Guilt born Nobel Prize decided to Nobel in the latter part of his life writing and will provide for the allocation of the vast majority of his fortune, estimated at 30 million SEK at the time, in order to invest in profit grant of its profits annual awards known as the "Nobel Prize" for more people benefit of mankind in various fields such as peace, chemistry, physics, medicine, literature, economics and the Nobel Prize in economics were not in the original list of awards and developed by the Nobel Prize.

But the Swedish central bank added later and was awarded for the first time in 1969. Known as the Nobel Prize as one of the most prestigious and most valuable moral and material, and the Swedish Academy of Sciences selected the winners in the field of chemistry and physics, while the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm to choose the winner in medicine and physiology, and the Norwegian Parliament to elect five persons to choose the winner of world peace. Prizes are awarded in a formal ceremony is a huge King of Sweden where personally oversee the delivery of prizes to the winners and in the Swedish capital Stockholm on the day which marks the anniversary of the death of Alfred Nobel on 10 December of each year.

And delivered the Nobel Prize for Peace in the hall of the City Council of Oslo, Norway, and according to the commandment of the Nobel, is awarded this prize to people and organizations alike can be shared between two people or between people and organization or organization only, and is the award in the amount of a large financial grant check, and a medal gold bearing the face of the Nobel in addition to a certificate of appreciation. Death died the Nobel Prize in December 10, 1896 in the city of San Ramon, Italian, after leaving a wound in the human psyche invention of dynamite, and after that try to heal this wound by giving the Nobel Prize as a kind of reconciliation and penance, and as a kind of encouragement, and motivation for excellence, and progress in scientific fields, and peaceful.

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