Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ernesto Guevara de la Serna

Guevara, an Argentine-born Cuban revolutionary, was born in May 14, 1918 and died on 9 October 1967 and is considered a unique revolutionary in the eyes of many. A personal left-wing darling, he studied medicine at the University of Buenos Aires, where he graduated in 1953, got the exemption from military recruitment because of his asthma.
Was his first trip around South America in the final year of Bkayp medicine is the main problem for his revolutionary sense of injustice where the reality on American farmers and the severe persecution of the population of South America.

Went to Guatemala, where he was Chairman of the then leading the popular leftist government moving amendments to the socialist revolution and radical participated Guevara in the revolution, and overthrow the government of Guatemala in 1954 a military coup supported by the Central Intelligence Agency of America, after which he traveled to Mexico after being warned by the Argentine embassy that is required by U.S. intelligence, he met with Raul Castro exile with his friends and they were in the case of processing and are ready to revolt again and waiting to get out of Fidel Castro from prison in Cuba, what he left, Fidel Castro from prison and was exiled to Mexico until he decided to Guevara's joining of the Cuban revolution and agreed Castro, without hesitation where Fidel Castro was seen as a doctor are in dire need.
Cuba entered the rebels on the back of a boat, having lost half of them in a battle with the rebels after the army needed a period of reunification and treat their wounded.
And the start of the first attack by rebels of the highlights of Che Guevara as a leader and fighter very fierce do not fear death and quick-witted able to dispose of in a crisis is no longer Guevara just a physician, but became a leader in the rank of colonel and partner Fidel Castro in the leadership of the revolution, has overseen Castro on the strategy of fighting and led Guevara and plans of battles known as Castro speeches made by him to the popular revolution, but Guevara was behind the ideological rhetoric and redraw the ideological revolution on the basis of Marxist-Leninist.
Passed a law giving citizenship and full citizenship for each of the rebels fought with the rank of colonel, and there are no such standards only in Guevara who was appointed director of the Central Bank and oversaw the liquidation of opponents of the revolution and state-building in a period of not declaring the revolution and the Communist addressed.

As he grabbed the revolution control of things and particularly the army the Communist government in which he was Guevara's minister of industry such as Cuba and abroad, and spoke on behalf of the United Nations visited the Soviet Union and China disagreed with the Soviets following the withdrawal of Soreichhm of Cuba after the United States signed the Treaty on the Non assault with Cuba, but old political not long did he likes the political life disappeared and published numerous articles on his death is perhaps the response to determine his place but did not respond and remained in Zaire (Congo Democratic) next leader of the revolution of the Congo, Patrice Lumumba fight but suddenly appeared in Bolivia leader of the revolution no new documents this stage only letters to Fidel Castro, who did not cut off contact with him until his last days.
Guevara was killed in Bolivia while trying to organize a revolt against the government there, after he was arrested in coordination with the CIA, where the Bolivian troops to kill him. The crisis broke out after the assassination and called the crisis "Guevara words" any memoirs. Have been deployed to these notes after he was assassinated five years later, Guevara has become a symbol of rebel against injustice. Published Felix Rodriguez, former agent of the U.S. intelligence agency (CIA) for the execution of Che Guevara. These images represent the last moments of life of the Argentine revolutionary was shot dead before his execution, "no Higuera" in the jungle "Valle Grande", Bolivia, on October 9 (October) of 1967. The images show how the families of Che Guevara, and lying on the ground, his eyes and his face almost Amolguetan Almurm and the earth stained with his blood after his execution. As complete images of all the rumors about the death of Che Guevara during fierce battles with the Bolivian army. Prior to several months, revealed Mr. Felix Rodriguez revealed that Che Guevara's hands were amputated in order to identify the hallmarks of his hands.
Hatred of the Cuban revolution Che dependence on the Soviet Union, and continued innovation and other means of access to finance and distribution. And because it is the only one who really studied the work of Karl Marx among the leaders of the victorious guerrilla in Cuba, he was contemptuous of the party bureaucrats and mafia who climbed on the shoulders of others in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and in Cuba as well.
Detect any F-sixtieth how busy Che Guevara in a public debate, during a conference in the city of Ponte del Este Boourgoii early in 1961 - - he was born in Argentina where he studied medicine there - - with some young people left New York. During that discussion, two of them over a Communist Party of Argentina. Guevara was unable to prevent himself from shouting out loud, "Hey, why you are here, in order to initiate the security of the counter-revolution?"
Chi, like many in the emerging movement of new left around the world, fought his first experience with the bureaucracy of the Communist Party and the aversion to attempts to impose Beroukratithm the revolutionary movements of indigenous peoples.

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